
Monday, November 21, 2016

Every Penny!

"...every penny she had to live on." Luke 21:4

Of all the people in the temple, Jesus was impressed with the poor widow who put into the offertory two small coins. He saw the rich putting in their big offerings, but it was the poor widow he called attention to. Why is that? I think it was because Jesus saw her heart. Her heart was bigger than the rich people who gave out of their excess wealth. Jesus saw her faith. She trusted in God more than all the ones who gave so much more than she did. What does Jesus see when we give? It doesn't have to be money. It can be time. Do we spend time with Him, reserving the best time of the day for Him, or do we just give Him the dregs of our day, after we've spent all our energy on our work, and family, hobbies, friends, or telenovelas? 

Lord, I know You see my heart. I know I have a lot to learn. Thank You for Your patience with me. Thank You that I can trust You to finish the work You started in me! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy