
Saturday, March 25, 2017

Nothing Impossible!

"For nothing is impossible with God..." Luke 1:37

Sometimes we put boundaries on what God can do. One time I was talking to a woman who said it seemed impossible that her son would go closer to God. I told her not to say that. In the 11th chapter of Mark, Jesus instructs that we will have what we say. Whatever comes out of the heart, what we believe, that is usually what we say. We have to train our heart and mind to believe what God says, and God says there is nothing He cannot do! Nothing is impossible for Him if we only believe! And that is what we should confess! 

I read about an amazing couple. Domingo and Irene Garcia had a very unpromising start when they married at 16 years old, and Irene was pregnant. The first 10 years of marriage was filled with Domingo's alcoholism, infidelity and abuse. Irene hated him. When Irene became a Christian, she prayed for a new husband and prepared to leave. But Domingo suddenly pleaded for forgiveness and promised to stop drinking. Since then, in the past 45 or so years, they have become a model more than 40 kids! Aside from their 2 biological sons, they have adopted, fostered and cared for children, many of whom have special needs, severe health problems and emotional scars. A lot of them come from drug raids and have been abused and neglected. How did this imperfect couple with a messy relationship get from there to being a source of love, comfort and the structure these kids needed? Only God can do the impossible, and like God, we should never give up on people! 

Lord, I pray that my heart and mind embrace this truth, that nothing, absolutely nothing is impossible with You! I should never give up, never despair, always hope and believe!

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy