
Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Saints Perpetua and Felicity and their Troubles

"When the just cry out, the Lord hears them." Psalm 34:18

Today is the feast day of Saints Perpetua and Felicity. Perpetua was a nursing noblewoman and Felicity her pregnant servant. Both were fed, naked and with no weapons, to wild animals in an arena because they would not renounce their faith. What gave them courage? 

Most times I think I would not be brave enough to stand up for my faith in the face of persecution and torture. Many saints were burned like pigs, endured mutilation, mauled by wild beasts, or beheaded. Saint Perpetua was only 22 years old when she was thrown into prison along with her maid, her teacher, and other Christian converts. While incarcerated, she wrote of their sufferings in her journal. Her diary, known as The Passion of Perpetua and Felicity, is one of the oldest of the early Christian texts . 

Today we are not going to be fed to lions, and be made sport because of a mad emperor, but as Christians we are called to make a stand nonetheless. What do we believe in? Are we brave enough to speak out, take action, and fight for it? 

Lord, may I be strong and courageous as Your disciples. May You be my compass, my anchor, in a world where very often, wrong values are made "right", and the noise around us can drown out Your Words. May I not be afraid to make a stand for You because I know when I call You, You will hear and answer. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy