
Friday, July 14, 2017

Here I Am

"Here I am," Jacob replied. 

There's a lot of traveling in the Bible. Here Jacob is called to set out for Egypt with his his sons, daughters, wives and husbands, children, grandchildren, livestock, and all their belongings they had acquired in Canaan. They migrated to Egypt because there was a famine all around and only in Egypt was there plenty of food. God tells him, "Don't be afraid for I will go with you to Egypt." 

Many filipinos go abroad leaving their families behind in search of a better life. Yesterday, during our Bible Study in the office, one of our former employees came to share. She was very candid. When she would join our Bible studies before, she would be confused about what we were talking about. Tithing? Hearing God? Reading the Bible? Although my sister Meldy gave her a thick Bible, she didn't open it. Before she left, we prayed over her, knowing that her future was in God's hands. We prayed He would go with her, and show His favor. 

I was so happy listening to her sharing about exactly that! She said she had a very good and generous boss, and she had time to serve in Jesus is Lord ministry. She tithes, she reads the Bible and has memorized Bible verses. Eagerly, she exhorted us to persevere in the faith and obey God. How excited Alma was, and on fire, wanting to tell all of us how God is so good and to give Him glory! 

In our pilgrim journey, may we all answer, "Here I am, Lord!" Wherever we go, near or far, may we heed Your call, knowing You walk with us. May we plant seeds along the way, seeds of faith, hope, joy, encouragement; trusting that God would do the watering. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy