
Sunday, September 03, 2017

Time to Take Stock

"See, I have gained 5 more." 
Matthew 25:20

I think Jesus liked to tell stories because there is an infinite amount of lessons that can be gleaned from a story rather than if He just said, "Make the most of every opportunity you are given." 

In Jesus' story, the Parable of the Talents, a very very rich man prepares to go on a journey. He calls his servants and gives them instructions and each of them receives a whole lot of money. After all, he will not be back for a long, long time, and they will need the money to manage his property and household. One man received five talents, the other two, and the third one received one talent. Before we think the third one received a paltry amount, a talent is equivalent to 75 lbs. If that was in silver, then he received 4 years worth of wages at that time, a huge amount. Let's say we are the third servant and the Master is Jesus who gives us an assignment to work with what He has given us till He comes back. 

Time to take stock. What are we doing with our time, our talents, gifts, skills, ability, and opportunities? Unlike other people in other countries, we are free to read and study the Bible. We have so much opportunity to learn more about God's ways. There are so many windows open to us to serve the poor, the sick, inmates in prison, the hurting, the elderly. Our assignment is to spread God's good news! God's love and mercy is available to us every time we reach out to others. And that's when our "talents" grow. 

One time I asked God if He could love me more because I thought surely He loved me so much already! But God gave me a picture of a tree with its roots in a running stream. I was like that tree. If I reached out in love and generosity to others, I could hold more and more of that eternally flowing love and it would flow through me. 

Lord, when I see You face to face, may I be able to say that I used all that You have given me to love You and serve You. Oh to hear You say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant!" 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy