
Thursday, March 15, 2018

Go Ye!

“Go down at once...” Exodus 32:7

Some of the Bible stories are amazing in that men and women like Moses hear God’s instructions. Some people, like a prominent talk show host, think that if you hear God, you are mentally ill!

Just like Moses, the Irish missionary Amy Carmichael heard God tell her, “Go ye!” I suppose it was because ever since she was very young, she would say her prayers before sleeping, she would make a space for the Lord, and ask him to sit beside her. If we do that every day, talk to Jesus, for sure He will converse with us! 

On January 13, 1892, while Amy was praying, she heard the two words, “Go ye!” as clearly as if she heard her mother’s voice. Those instructions from God started her on her missionary journey that took her to India. There, wearing a sari, dyeing her skin brown with coffee, and speaking Tamil, she was unlike any other missionary. She started her own mission house, trusting God for the funds. She saved young girls from what was essentially sex trafficking sanctioned by the parents who would sacrifice the children to the temple, trusting God to keep her out of jail for kidnapping. 

Amy stayed in India for 55 years. Her retreat home for the children and women grew larger and included a school, hospital, and orphanage. Her work in South India continues today, and it all started with Amy’s obedience to God’s Word. 

Lord, here I am! I long to hear Your voice! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Patsy a beautiful post. Oh that we would KNOW our God's presence on such a real way through each. By our faith in the Lord Jesus alone for salvation... not in any works we do... we are able to know Him by full heart surrender to His will.
    Hugs and prayers Shaz in Oz


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy