
Saturday, April 14, 2018

Be Not Afraid

“It is I; be not afraid...” John 6:20

After the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, Jesus went off on His own while the disciples took a boat to go across to Capernaum. It was dark, the waves were rough and rising high with the strong wind. When they had rowed three or four miles out, they saw but did not recognize Jesus, approaching the boat, walking on the water. They were terrified. I would be terrified as well! But Jesus said, “It is I; do not be afraid.” They helped Him into the boat, and proceeded where they were headed. 

Most times, we do not recognize God when He visits us. God comes while we are living out our ordinary every day life. He does not disrupt our days, MOST of the time. But sometimes He does, and if we take God at His Word, we will see it as a blessing, a gift, even if it is terrifying in some way. The apostles were experienced fishermen, well used to going out to sea in the dark, in fair weather and foul. This time they see something unusual and it terrified them. When they recognized it was Jesus, they calmed down and were happy to have Jesus join them. 

When I shared the Metro article about my brother Robert having cancer, I received many comments. Most were of course, promises to pray, but many were naturally about being shocked, sad and dismayed. Robert’s attitude is surprising because he sees cancer as a gift and blessing. 

Robert said, “I am so incredibly grateful for this life now. I used to hate myself. I used to think about taking my life all the time. That has completely changed now. I realize that life is short—I don’t have to rush things. Before you know it, life is over. I am now living the best life I’ve ever lived. I am so incredibly thankful for this cancer. It is indeed a gift.” 

God comes into our lives bearing gifts. It does not always take the form we like. Sometimes it terrifies us, dismays us, depresses us, makes us cringe. But sometimes, if we open our eyes and our heart, we can receive God’s gifts with joy.

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy