
Monday, May 07, 2018

Open our Heart!

“...a woman named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth...listened, and the Lord opened her heart...” Acts 16:14

Sometimes, all we need to do is listen and the Lord will work. But for some of us, we need to do it our way. We can be stubborn, hard headed, self-destructive and make the wrong choices for our life even if God is waiting for us to call on Him and surrender. 

Janie Burkett tells her story in her book “Unshackled: A Road to Freedom”. Even if both her parents were pastors and she grew up in a loving home, she was so insecure that, when her parents went through a rocky time in their marriage, she rebelled against God. Janey turned her back on God and instead depended on alcohol, drug addiction, sex, and developed a severe eating disorder. At 17, she experienced her first cocaine high. When she was 22 years old, she had to sustain her $300-$400 a day drug habit by becoming a high profile drug dealer. She was sentenced to 40 years years in prison. All this time her parents were praying for her, pleading with her to come back to God. They were also talking with lawyer after lawyer in the hopes that one of them could help overturn the sentence. Every one of them said it was impossible. But one called back and said he was just so bothered about it and he agreed to help pro bono! Then the judge who gave the original sentence resigned, and a new judge agreed to a new hearing!!! 

In prison, Janey had a change of heart and asked God to give her another chance. She surrendered her life to Him and asked that if He did not want to free her, to please give her peace and help her. When she got her day in court, she got the miracle the family was praying for. The judge released her on condition she undergo rehab with Teen Challenge, which helps people with substance abuse. 

Today, Janey lives her life with passion and purpose. She started, along with her dad, “Janie’s House of Hope”, a 13 month faith-based program to help those struggling with addictions. 

Father, like Lydia, may we listen to You! Open our heart Lord! We surrender our life to You! May we not take u-turns or paths away from You. But should we stray away, call us back into Your loving arms. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy