
Saturday, June 02, 2018

War Room

“Thus will I bless You all my life; lifting up my hands to You in prayer...” Psalm 63:4

Psalm 63, one of King David’s psalms, is full of poignant imagery. Here we see how David longed for God. “My flesh pines and my soul thirsts like the earth, parched, lifeless, without water.” 

The preacher Leonard Ravenhill said that no man is greater than his prayer life. A big 18-wheeler truck can't be powered by Piaggio Ape engine! We need a power outside of ourselves, and that can only be accessed by prayer and faith. 

Saint Monica is one of my favorite saints. I can imagine how she prayed for her profligate son, Augustine, who left the Church, 
had concubines and bore a son out of marriage. But she did not give up praying. Augustine eventually converted to Christianity, became a great writer, a priest, a Bishop, and then a Saint! 

I can picture Saint Monica in her war room, her prayer closet, pouring out her heart to God, knowing He cannot resist answering a persistent mother’s prayer.  

The mother of John Hagee, the fiery preacher, is another persistent mother and powerful prayer warrior. John is the second son of a preacher and heard 10,000 sermons growing up but he had no desire to be a Christian. One day, coming home late and tiptoeing past the bedroom of his mother, 
he heard her sobbing out to the Lord, “Lord God in heaven, save my son, John!!! If he leaves this house without knowing Jesus Christ, he'll be lost forever!" John Hagee went to bed with his mother's prayer thundering in his ear. In the days and nights following, he could still hear his mother's voice. Two months after, he surrendered his life to Christ Jesus “crushed by the power of his mother's prayer".  
He said his mother went to war with the devil for his soul in her prayer room. Indeed, our prayer room is our war room! Like Saint Monica, and John Hagee's mother, 
let us never give up praying for our heart’s desire! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy