
Friday, June 15, 2018

When God Speaks

“...but the Lord was not in the earthquake.” 1 Kings 19:11

Many people think that when God speaks, He will do it in a booming voice, a Ten Commandments sure-to-be heard powerful utterance. But usually when God speaks, we can easily miss it if we are not quietly listening, and waiting for Him. 

The powerful prophet Elijah was waiting for the Lord in Horeb, known as the mountain of God. There was a strong wind, breaking rocks all around. But Elijah did not find Him in the heavy wind that could rend mountains. Then there was an earthquake and God was not there either. After that, there was a conflagration, but the Lord was not to be found in the depths of the fire. 

 After the fire, there was a tiny whispering sound. If Elijah had not been quiet, he would have missed the sound of gentle blowing. We too can easily miss God’s presence if we are in the midst of the hustle and bustle of our every day life. We need to give God space and time if we want to hear Him. He seldom wants to intrude. If we stay still and quiet at His feet every day, He will even gift us with the nuance of His voice. 

When I was young, I had been pestering God for something I wanted for 3 years. Then one day, He gave it to me. When I was saying my thank yous to Him, saying several Hallelujahs, I paused. I heard Him say, “You have been praying for this for so long, I give it to you.” I stopped because I distinctly heard His disappointment. I knew in my heart He was not pleased with my choice. Though it pained me I told Him that if He did not want it for me, to take it away for I could not do it on my own. Looking back, I am very happy God showed me His will. 

Lord, may we always stop and make the time to listen to You. “Big things” can happen when we hear Your still, small voice. 

1 comment:

I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy