
Sunday, May 12, 2019

Good Shepherd

“My sheep hear my voice...” John 10:27

Sometimes it is difficult to hear the voice of God. The world clamors for our attention every day. One of the goals I placed in my life map before the start of this year was “Word before the world”. That meant that before I do my chores, before I open my phone, before I answer the hundred and one things calling me, I go before God, thank Him, read and ponder His word, and just be with Him. I am not always successful. 

But God is always waiting. The Lord said that He is the good shepherd, “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow Me.” On the 4th Sunday of Easter, the Catholic Church celebrates Good Shepherd Sunday. Jesus is our Good Shepherd, and we are His sheep. Although a lamb is lovable and cuddly, it is not exactly a compliment to be compared to sheep! Sheep are quite dumb, short sighted, stubborn, and defenseless. They gather in groups and really need someone to guide them because they can't take care of themselves. They move all together in a herd. In 2006, 400 sheep fell into a 15 meter deep ravine and died because of this instinct.

When I read this passage, I always remember my husband Luigi’s story of his encounter with sheep. He asked a shepherd if he could feed his sheep. The shepherd said, "That's my problem. Even my son can't feed them. They only recognize my voice!" True enough, when Luigi tried, the sheep did not come. He would approach them and the sheep would move away. Then when the shepherd called, they came right away!

Sheep who know a good master's voice and follow him, will be taken care of. But sheep who follow the wrong voice can end up in a ravine!!!!

Lord, may I know Your voice and follow You. I hold on to Your promise that no one can take me out of Your hand.

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy