
Friday, May 24, 2019

The Price He Paid

“You are my friends...” John 15:14

Jesus further says, “I have called you friends, because I have told you everything I have heard from My Father.” (John 15:15) Jesus is indeed a good friend, not only because He gave His life for us, but because He told us so many secrets! When someone tells us something or gives us something of great worth, we know that person thinks highly of us. The question is are we worth the sacrifice? 

I have heard many heartbreaking stories of parents who sacrificed everything for their children. They worked abroad taking care of other families and sent money home so their children could get an education and a better life. The sad part is if the children do not appreciate the sacrifice and just spend the money with no thought of what it really cost- the years of loneliness, hard work, and even perhaps the loss of dignity and self-esteem. 

We seldom think of the price Jesus paid so that we can one day join Him in heaven. The blood, sweat and tears of our Savior is very real. He even sweated blood just thinking of it. Sometimes we see a sanitized version of Jesus on the crucifix, but in reality our God was stripped naked, with His insides all but exposed. Why would the Creator of the Universe, the King of Kings allow that? It is incomprehensible, inconceivable, incredible. 

We can never thank You enough, Jesus, for Your sacrifice for us. May we respond by loving You, serving You and the people who are precious to You. Help us to live the life You died to give us. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy