
Monday, May 06, 2019

Values of the Kingdom

“Do not work for food that perishes but for food that endures for eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you.” John 6:27

It seems like common sense that we should spend more of our time working for what will not rust, get burned or destroyed, but will still have value even after we die. As Jim Elliot, the martyred missionary wrote in one of his notebooks, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” 

But many of us are extremely shortsighted and waste more of our time and energy on impermanent, ephemeral activities that give us fleeting pleasures. On days that I am more purposeful, I usually listen to a teaching by Ravi Zacharias, Ric Warren, Steve Ray, or Scott Hahn and take down notes. Or I read a good book to learn something that helps me. 

Then there are days I get home after work, and I’m really lazy, I eat dinner early, take a bath, and watch some inane movie on YouTube or Netflix. It does not require much of me, and I usually fall asleep. Or I dawdle over Facebook or I read comments on news sites from people who are unreasonable, who are there just to insult anyone. I’m wondering are they are trolls and getting paid to do this? Are they selling their souls for this job that can’t in any way be satisfying to them unless they are really perverted? If they are not paid, why do they take the time to curse and insult people instead of encourage and build people up? The anger and bullying on the internet can be really disheartening and several sensitive people have hurt themselves and even committed suicide. Even well known people have been bashed into silence and into hiding. 

It is not true that “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never harm me.” On the contrary, name-calling and cyber-bullying may even be more harmful than a punch on the jaw. We may think that “Working for food that endures to eternal life” may be difficult, but if we can leave a legacy of love and caring, even through our words, I believe we can store treasures in heaven. If we become more sensitive to our brothers’ and sisters’  needs, more willing to spend time in prayer for them, to lend a listening ear, we can be Jesus to them. 

In a world where we can be anything, we should choose to be the best we can be, always choosing the values of the Kingdom whatever we are doing. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy