
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

WOYWW: The True Vine

This is what is on my table. I will cut these up and use these for ATCs, postcards, my art journal, and who knows what else?!!! 

“I am the vine, you are the branches.” John 15:5

I am not much of a gardener but even I know if you cut off a branch from the vine, it will eventually wither and die. But you can also use grafting as a way to propagate new vines, just as a lot of us prefer to have our own independent way of thinking about life. When I was younger I used to read a lot of Carlos Castañeda, and books about Theosophy. I preferred to believe in reincarnation, and thought Theosophy was more comprehensible than what Jesus taught. Eventually, after several Life in the Spirit Seminars, I decided to throw away all my esoteric books and follow Jesus. I have never looked back, and the more I read the Bible, the more I realize that Jesus is the true vine, and every other belief system is fake news. It is a graft that grew its own roots. 

No other man can claim his birth, life and death was prophesied thousands of years before. He was not one of the enlightened ones Theosophists claim He is, or just a prophet as some religions declare. If we insist on believing what we want to believe we lose out on so much! Jesus is God just as He claimed, He is the True Vine, and if we connect ourselves to Him, His life will flow through us. Jesus claimed He existed before Abraham (John 8:58) and that He and His Father are one (John 10:30). He also made Himself equal with God (John 5:17-18). 

We do not lose anything by uniting ourselves with the True Vine, instead we gain so much and can claim all His promises. Every day as we place our hope and trust in Him, we can experience more and more of the fullness and richness of life that only He can give. 


  1. Beautiful Bible Journalling, you are such a talented lady.
    God Bless
    Neet 18 xx

    1. Thank you! It really started because of my poor memory! Needed something visual in my prayer notebooks! :^)

  2. It's always nice to 'meet' on Wednesday, visit your blog and see what you are up to and read your thoughts. I love your drawing. Enjoy your day! Hugs and kisses from the Netherlands. Marit #17

    1. Thank you Marit! Here's a hug all the way from the Philippines! I love Amsterdam, all the quaint houses and the boat houses and the flowers and lace curtains. So pretty! :^)

  3. It's been a long time since I was here, Patsy. I love your bible vine. Your art always impresses me. Happy 10th from # 4

    1. Thank you Elizabeth. I haven't been very active with visiting because of some pressing concerns but I hope to participate more now.

  4. I like the watercolour splats made into flowers - clever!
    Happy 10th WOYWW,
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

    1. Thanks Jan! Hope to make something out of it! But I started another project!!! Oh dear!

  5. Your artwork is always so beautiful, Patsy! Happy anniversary! zsuzsa #26

  6. My plan is to get round everyone today to wish them a very happy 10th anniversary and to thank you for your friendship and lovely comments over the years.
    Gorgeous artwork as always.
    Annie x #10

  7. Beautiful way to create those flowers and snip them out when needed. Fabulous Bible journaling.
    Happy 10th WoywW Anniversary Tracey #9

  8. Gorgeous flowers and love the Bible Journalling. Happy 10 year WOYWW anniversary. Have a great week. Love & God Bless, Caro x (#27)

  9. the vines are gorgeous. You are the best Bible Journaller! Happy WOYWW Helen #1

  10. Happy 10th WOYWW!!! Your flower drawing is just so very pretty ... I can't draw or colour at all and am more a splodger of ink here and there type of girl so really enjoy seeing work such as yours. Love Debbie #25 xXx

  11. Beautiful bible journaling and words on your blog today. Happy WOYWW 10 year anniversary. Dorlene #39

  12. Lovely art work!! Happy 10th Anniversary, Cindy #44

  13. Happy 10th WOYWW birthday Patsy. Great art work. Sarah #3

  14. I love your floral background - it's so pretty and will make lovely ATC's and cards.
    Happy 10th WOYWW anniversary,
    Diana x #22

  15. Happy 10th! that background will make beautiful ATCs!
    robyn 6

  16. Hi Patsy - Happy 10th anniversary - Couldn't comment yesterday as blogger wasn't letting me - bah humbug! - so am trying to get around a few today whilst at least google and blogger are working!!!
    Do you know, you were the first comment I ever made on WOYWW? You used to do a draw and send a painting to the person who's name was drawn out. I was the winner on that very first comment! You sent me a lovely picture of a girl with red hair - not knowing that was my hair colour!! Thank you. I have treasured it since.
    So very thankful you found Jesus in your life!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #5

    1. Wow! Margaret, what a special piece of trivia to mark WOYWW's 10th anniversary!!! Yes, sometimes I find it difficult comment too. Quite frustrating when we have to try again and again! Happy WOYWW!

  17. That look so amazing, Your journaling :) tfs, & Happy Anniversary. ~Stacy #35

  18. Hi Patsy, sorry for the late visit, we are having internet problems, keeps going off and on! Happy 10th WOYWW anniversary! Love the background, it will make lovely postcards. Have a lovely week Heather x #30

  19. I’m very late Patsy, so sorry. Nevertheless, I am determined to get to everyone who linked for WOYWW 10. It’s not a wasted journey, your ATC Sheet is as usual, gorgeous!


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy