
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

WOYWW: Unknown God

I am not working on my desk this time. I bought a huge canvas 

and will post my progress on Facebook, Instagram and here as well. 

Last night, I finished this background. 

“What therefore you unknowingly worship, I proclaim to you.” 
Acts 17:23

There were many shrines in Athen, some dedicated to Aphrodite, 
goddess of beauty and love, the handsome Apollo, god of healing and arts,
 Ares, god of war and violence, Artemis, virgin goddess of the hunt and animals, 
and many many others. Paul said he looked carefully at the shrines, 
no doubt they were artistically executed, but he noticed one in particular. 
It was inscribed, ‘To an Unknown God’. “What you worship in ignorance, 
this is what I am proclaiming to you,” he told the Athenians in the Areopagus, 
or ‘Ares’ Hill’ a place where people congregated. 
Some people like Dionysius and Damaris responded and believed. 
Others scoffed when Paul started talking about the resurrection of the dead. 

Many of us pick and choose what we like from the Bible. 
When I was in U.P. High School, the Gideon Bible Society gave each of us 
in our class a cute red Bible. We had to promise to read it. 
I very eagerly started to read, and continued to read, until I reached this verse, 
“Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life 
in this world will keep it for eternal life.” 
That is from the Gospel of John 12:25. 

After reading that verse which I heartily disagreed with 
because I loved my life, 
I stopped reading the Bible for several years. 
Many people like me, and like the people of Athens, 
want to make our own god. We want a god conformed
 to our own image of what God should be. 
We did not want the truth, we wanted to make our own truth. 
Happily when I was older I decided after several 
Life in the Spirit Seminars 
that I wanted to know God, really know Him, 
not my own version of God or preference. 
The “unknown God” honored my desire and my zeal to know Him. 
He spoke and made Himself available and I loved Him as my first love. 

How inconceivable that the God of the Universe, the earth and sea and sky, 
would stoop down to our level and meet us where we are! 
He WANTS us to know Him! 
If we just open up a space for Him in our hearts and lives, 
He will come in and sit with us and keep His promises! 

Joining the lovely Julia Dunnit for a 
peek at desks and projects!
I find a lot of inspiration
visiting my friends here:




  1. that's going to turn into an amazing canvas. Helen #3

  2. Wow, that is HUGE! It will be a wonderful testament when it's finished :)
    Happy WOYWW!
    Claire no. 2

  3. Wow Patsy, that canvas is enormous. Love the start you've made and look forward to seeing where you take it next. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #12

  4. Goodness me that is big! Look forward to seeing what you do. Anne X #9

  5. Amazing that we all comment on how huge that canvas is....shows you that we are all impressed by how you aren’t put off by the scale and just get right to it. I’m excited to see it, have a lot of fun working on it!

  6. That is a gorgeous background and a HUGE canvas. Keep us updated, please since I'm not on other social media sites. Happy WOYWW from #1.

  7. Love your testimony of how you found faith. It is quite incredible how much God wants us to draw alongside Him - it literally blows my mind that He cares so much for me and the things that are bothering me. Love the canvass and can't wait to see what it turns into. Happy WOYWW! Love & God Bless, Caro x (#15)

  8. Loving the canvas its going to be amazing well done.
    Lilian B #13

  9. That looks like an amazing project :) ~Stacy #27

  10. Hi Patsy - Couldn't comment earlier as I spent Wednesday lying prone on the settee feeling VERY rough - however... here I am now.
    A beautiful testimony of faith - I'm so glad you know our Father God and didn't give up on Him. I'm looking forward to seeing your work on that canvas - all the best.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy