
Sunday, June 09, 2019

The Gift of Tongues

“And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues...” Acts 2:4

The gift of tongues or glossolalia is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. It is quite controversial and ironically, I just received a letter from an aunt and she wrote that she attended a Pentecostal group and when they spoke in tongues, she told them she was a Catholic and to read what St. Paul said about it. So they stopped doing so in her presence! 

Yes, St. Paul said it would better to speak to others in a language they understood than to utter tongues (1Cor.14:19). But he also said he speaks in tongues for the whole congregation (v. 18), meaning he prays for them in tongues. This is one of the least of the gifts of the Spirit, but I want to have any gift God bestows, from the least to the greatest. 

We always give Life in the Spirit seminars so that more people can experience victory in their life, and guidance. But a life in the Spirit is an ongoing thing, we can’t stop after one seminar. We gave it in our business a long time ago. All of us were just new in the Charismatic renewal and we were doing it in one crowded room in our old building. There was no space. We did not know what we were doing. But the Spirit swept in anyway. Even before we laid hands, many of our employees were falling down, even on the backs of chairs and on the floor. They also received the gift of tongues. 

Yes Lord, come in Your own special way to each one of us! This Pentecost Sunday, show qus Your presence, Your power, Your love! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy