
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

God’s Highest Treasure

My work desk in the garden. And below piles of magazine pages, ephemera, etc. I cut up and use for my collages. 

“When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it.” Matthew 13:46

The two most expensive pearls in the whole world were found off the island of Palawan here in the Philippines. One, the “Pearl of Allah” is valued at $35 million and was found in 1934. A more recent find, little more than 10 years ago, is yet to be named. A fisherman found it inside a giant clam. It is huge, more than 2 feet long, and 1 foot wide and weighs 75 pounds! The fisherman hid it under his bed, his house burned down, and the pearl survived. The pearl is valued at an amazing 100 million dollars! 

Even if I sold all I had, I could not buy that pearl! And what in the world would I do with it? 

Jesus gave all He had, even His very life for something He considered His pearl of great price. Mankind. Are we worth it? He must have seen beyond the surface because when I look around me, when I read the news, and the comments on Facebook, it seems like people are getting worse every day! 

I remember going to a pearl farm in Hanoi a couple of years ago. The guide showed us these ugly, mud encrusted shells. We had to dig into all that muck to find the pearl. I know Jesus sees the pearl in us, encased in sin and the mud of our own selfishness. We are the pearl of great price, God’s highest treasure. Why else would He be willing to give up His glory, His power, to be crucified by the very men He came to save, just so He could ransom us from our hopeless state. He is relentless in His pursuit of us! 

We too should try to see our brothers and sisters as pearls of great price. How do we bring ourselves and those we come into contact out of the muck? Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. 

Thank You Lord! I cannot imagine what You went through for us! 


  1. your crafting in the garden looks very refreshing. Those are some pearl values! Helen #3

  2. What fabulous surroundings for crafting Patsy. I clip lots from magazines too. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #9

  3. Ohmy... you have such a lovely garden and a very nice spot to create, love the collage page! Happy woyww and a big hug from Holland, Marit #15

  4. Crafting in the garden, great idea. I love looking at other people's gardens. You must stop by and have a look at mine sometime there are always pics on my blog particularly fridays. Whatever you are do today have a lovely woyww, Angela x13x

  5. Happy WOYWW #530 great desk you have been very busy! xx Jan (21)

  6. Great post!! Love how you incorporated Scripture and the pearl parable into your story. God bless you!
    Carol N #20

  7. I do love crafting in the garden, what a blessing to have a garden like yours to create in. Truly inspiring. Happy WoywW Tracey #14

  8. Love your post today .... inspiring and informative as always.
    God bless you and your family.
    Christine #23


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy