
Thursday, July 25, 2019

Therefore Speak

“We have the same spirit of faith...we too believe and therefore speak.” 2 Corinthians 4:13

I like listening to men and women of faith. I like listening to them tell their stories, their personal testimonies. It’s so exciting to listen to Lilian de Fin recounting about when she went to a hospital with a group of believers. They asked to pray for the sick in a ward. Everyone wanted to be prayed for except one man. “No, thank you,” he said. Two days later, they came back and the ward was empty except for one man. He got excited and said, “You were the ones who came and prayed over everyone here!!! They were all healed! Please pray for me!” She has many other wonderful stories we can listen to on YouTube. She grew up in Africa and comes from a long line of pastors and preachers. Her great grandfather is the one of a kind Smith Wigglesworth. 

We do not have to come from a long line of pastors, and do not have to be a great anything to tell our stories. We just have to see with our eyes that God is working today as well. His timing is marvelous to behold. I have to rely on Him a lot in our business because I am not really a business person. I do not understand our financial statement and my eyes gloss over if I have to read contracts or any legal document or anything from the bank. I thank God that He looks out for us. Recently I have been worrying that our working money in the bank was getting lower than I was comfortable with. We are opening three new stores and the cost of security deposits, advance rent, renovation and merchandise seriously depleted our money situation. So of course I have been praying and praying and praying. 

Yesterday, I finally received in my hands after months of asking, filling up and signing forms, the statement of accounts from a bank my mom had Time Deposits in before she died. We had encashed all those checks but I wanted to make sure nothing was left in savings accounts. The statement showed there was enough money for what we needed! To me, that money was like it just dropped from heaven! Truly I praise and thank God for His goodness and generosity! Always, always, always, we can depend on Him! 

1 comment:

I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy