
Thursday, September 05, 2019

Put Out into the Deep

"Put out into the deep..." Luke 5:4

When my youngest sister Tina got married in 2016 to Patrick, an American living in Tokyo, it was a big change for her. Tina lived a protected life here, surrounded by family, friends, and a Christian community. Leaving everything familiar behind was certainly a decision to put out into the deep waters of the unknown.

When Jesus got into Simon's boat, at the edge of Lake Gennesaret, Simon did not know Him at all. Simon and the other fishermen were washing their nets. That meant they had done with fishing and were going home for a nice meal and some rest. But Jesus got into the boat, and started preaching. After He finished speaking, Jesus said to Simon, "Put out into deep water and let down your nets for a catch." If I was Peter, I might have said, "What?!!! After we have cleaned and washed our nets?!!!! No way!" Then I would have missed the greatest adventure of my life! 

When Jesus gets into our boat, in the ordinary everyday circumstances of our life, we need to be prepared to change course. Lord, may I always be sensitive to what You want me to do, say, or even to become. May I not resist Your call to put out into the deep! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy