
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Staying in the Ark

“...for if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how can he take care of the Church of God?” 1 Timothy 3:5

St. Paul wrote many instructions for his associate Timothy, who was left in Ephesus to help with the problems of the Ephesian church. There were a lot of challenges Timothy had to deal with, for the Ephesian church struggled with Christian teachings and lifestyle. I wonder what Saint Paul would say about the behemoth Catholic Church today with its many serious, overwhelming problems? 

Just as he wrote Timothy, I suppose he would also encourage us not to be weary and discouraged but to see God’s bigger picture. Just like Timothy, we should know the truth and defend it against the false teachings in our time. The enemy is seriously attacking the Church today from outside and from within, from left and right, up and down. 

When Napoleon in 1809 kidnapped the Pope, he boasted, “We will destroy you!” The Pope retorted, “Ha! If we haven’t been able to destroy ourselves for thousands of years, you won’t be able to do it either!” That is why I stay within the Ark that is the Church, even if it needs a lot of repairs and is leaking in all sorts of places. Jesus promised to take care of it, that the gates of Hades will never prevail against it! (Mt. 16:18) 

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:^) Patsy