
Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Mustard Seed

“What is the Kingdom of God like?” Luke 13:18

Without Jesus’ answers to fall back on, we would think the Kingdom of God was something glorious and magnificent! But Jesus compared it to a mustard seed and to yeast, both tiny and insignificant. The same with Jesus. The Jews were expecting a powerful, mighty King to save them from the Romans and so they ignored this unimportant “beggar” of a man who walked their streets and was covered in dust. 

We too are insignificant in the history of the world, in the many things going on around us. But God sees us as a “mustard seed” with a lot of potential if we work with Him. He put a lot of gifts and talents in us, and powered with the Holy Spirit, we can grow into a large tree with many branches, spreading out, and touching many lives. Yes, Lord, use me to change the little corner of the world I am in. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy