
Saturday, November 02, 2019

My Cup Overflows

You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” Psalm 23:5

My head overflowing with oil! Icky! Why is it mentioned as one of the “good things” a caring, attentive shepherd does for his sheep? I know that David was anointed with oil on the command of God in 1 Samuel 16. That meant he was chosen to succeed King Saul. A simple unknown shepherd boy was anointed to be King. In the 1710 Commentary of Matthew Henry, he wrote that the anointing was a blessing  of the Holy Spirit for his entire life. 

A good shepherd also uses oil to keep bugs and insects like flies away from his sheep and to heal wounds. If bugs deposit their eggs into the sheep’s nose or ears, it drives them crazy. The lambs would stop growing and the ewes would lose their milk. 

We are “sheep” in the Lord’s eyes. We are not very intelligent, although we think we are! So God keeps a look out for us, unless we like to rebel and run away and hide. He would like to anoint us with oil, because He has chosen each one of us for a very special purpose and work. All of us have challenges that torment us like the bugs bother sheep. If we draw close to God, He can use His protecting and healing oil on us. 

Yes, Lord, You are the good shepherd. Only goodness and kindness follow me if I follow You! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy