
Thursday, December 19, 2019

Count Your Blessings

“But now you will be speechless...” Luke 1:20

When Zechariah was told by an angel in the first chapter of Luke that he and his wife Elizabeth would have a son, Zechariah did not believe because they were both sooo old. The angel said, "Now you will be mute until the promise will be fulfilled." When what the angel foretold took place, Zechariah's tongue was loosened and he started praising God.

With just 6 more days till Christmas, we need to be like Zechariah and spend some quiet time pondering what God has done 

and is doing for us. We should not take for granted God’s handiwork in our life. Too often, we do just that! God is making sure I am full of thankfulness this Advent and Christmas season! 

After my heart surgery, every little progress I make is a point of rejoicing. The easiest things to do before, like dangling my feet from the side of the bed, eating sitting up, turning my body to the side, makes my oxygen level go low. So all the things I used to do before, which I did not give thought to, they are God’s gifts. 

I remember when I was very sick with Pemphigus Vulgaris, and my mouth was filled with sores. I got so thin because I could not eat, and I felt so sad I could not talk or sing. Today, I am very grateful that I can eat and talk and sing. Sometimes you have to lose things before you learn to appreciate them. But let us not wait to lose things, and especially people, before we thank the generous Lord for them! 

If we spend some time today, counting our blessings too many to count, like Zechariah, we too will praise God! By the time Christmas comes around, we will have the true joy that God promises which does not depend upon shiny gifts under the tree! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy