
Thursday, January 02, 2020

A New Year, A New Song

“Sing to the Lord a new song...” Psalm 98:1

Many people like to make new year resolutions and we we know that most of those resolutions are forgotten after a while. My son said he does not go to the gym in January. There are just too many people. But by February the crowd thins considerably. Still, it is good to face the new year with a new attitude, a new hope, a new confidence. We then should examine ourselves, and see what needs changing, perhaps even admit that we need help.

I admire my friend who put a post on Facebook, “I was just wondering how an ordinary wife and mother can turn dull routines into life enhancing her ordinary work can create extra-ordinary impact in her home making it a haven of tranquility for her family - a home that lessens stress and creates inner peace for her entire family...” What a wonderful goal for every mother! I know how cooking and cleaning and washing and doing it all over again can be very tedious and time consuming and can make a woman long for escape. 

I suggested studying the life of Brother Lawrence who found the secret of joy doing menial things, like scrubbing floors and peeling potatoes. He was always, always talking to God. 

He wrote, “I have found that we can establish in ourselves a sense of the presence of God by continually talking with Him...I have resolved to make the love of God the end of all my actions.” Even if he had a natural aversion to the kitchen, Brother Lawrence found his work easy during the fifteen years he was stuck doing kitchen duty. 

Perhaps we can start singing a new song to God by imitating Brother Lawrence. Whatever we find tedious, our work, a relationship that needs fixing, taking care of a baby, we can find new life by “practicing the presence of God”. I can certainly sing a new song while I am doing my breathing exercises, and waiting, waiting for the pain in my breast bone to subside. With God as our partner, we can have a wonderful 2020. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy