
Monday, January 20, 2020


“Obedience is better than sacrifice.” 1 Samuel 15:22

I always thought I was obedient because when I asked my mom why she always asked me to do things, she said it was because I obeyed right away. But recently God called my attention to my being hardheaded and set in my ways. I suppose it comes with getting older, we do not like to change what we are accustomed to. Well now that I have been absent from work for more than 6 weeks, when I come back I have to get used to changes and adapt to it for sure!

When Joshua was born, I had a very difficult time breastfeeding. It was not the serene picture one sees in magazines because for me, it was awfully painful. I asked my husband Luigi if I could stop, and he said no. Breastfeeding was good for Josh. So me, being the obedient wife that I was, decided to go to the Higher Authority. I would ask God’s permission. One day, I was breastfeeding Josh in our rocking chair, and I asked, “God, can I stop breastfeeding?” The radio was turned on to DZAS, and the announcer on the air said, “Don’t stop. God does not like quitters.” So of course, I had to continue breastfeeding Josh. With obedience comes blessing, and Josh is now a very smart boy, which of course, I attribute to my breast milk!!! 

Of course, if we want to obey God, we have to get to know Him. Back in Saul’s day, he had the prophet Samuel to tell him what God wanted him to do. Today, we can get to know God for ourselves by reading the Bible and listening to Him. God will speak to us, if we sincerely want to obey Him. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy