
Sunday, February 16, 2020

If You Choose

“If you choose, you can keep the commandments; it is loyalty to do His will.” Sirach 15:15

The verse before this reads, “When God in the beginning, created man, He made him subject to his own free choice.” In the books, “The Christian’s Secret to a Happy Life” by Hannah Smith and “Spiritual Progress” by François Fénelon, they revealed that the Christian life must be lived in the will, not in the emotions. The will should be the rudder which will steer our actions, not our emotions. Many times it is the other way around, and our emotions get us into trouble because they can mislead us to make bad decisions. 

Many women get pulled by their feelings into relationships that bring much hardship. Many women today are single mothers, abandoned by irresponsible men. If instead of being deceived by their unruly feelings of being loved in return, they decided from the start that they will be responsible, see to it they act in a correct manner and trust God with the results, there will be less heartbreak. 

There will be less broken marriages if couples are not ruled by their emotions but by their will to make their relationship succeed and bloom. If they do, they can trust God to take care of their emotions. He very definitely will. 

Let us resolve not to be swayed by our emotions, but to be steered by our will into doing the right things. This is the secret to a good Christian life. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy