
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Set Things Right

“Come now, let us set things right, says the Lord.” Isaiah 1:18

In the book I am reading, the author Catherine Marshall tells of a retreat she attended. The Pastor said that to set things right with God, they had to relinquish everything and put God first. “Tell God you seriously want to do this and you will be surprised at what He will do.” The participants agreed to meet again to relate what God did in their lives. 

One successful businessman told his story when they got together again. He had this habit of flirting with his secretary but he had never embarked on an affair. He did not think of this as wrong and he did not think he was hurting the young woman he was flattering with his attentions. 

He was aghast when he received several anonymous phone calls calling him an adulterer and accusing him of having an affair. Eventually he received letters in the mail. He told his wife and the City Prosecutor’s Office. The investigators were able to trace the letters to the secretary’s mother. He found out his secretary had been secretly writing love letters to him but never sending them. The mother found them and thought her daughter was having an affair with him. 

He realized that what he thought was innocent on his part was a sin in God’s eyes. He apologized to his secretary and the mother and vowed never to do it again. 

If we are brave enough to set things right with God this Lent, and put Him first, He will show us what we need to give up or change. He wants the best for us and He wants us to live a free and victorious life. Will we let go and let God do what He wants to overhaul in our life? 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy