
Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thank God!

“The promises of the Lord I will sing forever, through all generations my mouth shall proclaim Your faithfulness.” Psalm 89:2

Gratefulness is something we need to practice. When we wake up in the morning, are we thankful for a new day, aware that God is present in all our waking and sleeping hours? If we want to be a grateful people, we need to train ourselves by setting aside a part of our prayer time to think about our blessings and thank God. In my prayer journal, I literally count my blessings and I am up to 8,000 plus listed down. Every day there is so much to be thankful for. 

Everyday for the past 4 days my brother Robert has been giving live drawing classes via internet. Yesterday he had his viewers make a Thank You poster. He asked the kids what they were grateful for and he drew some of them, and asked them to continue to add to the drawings. What a joy to see the posters the kids came up with! One little kid uploaded a video and he enumerated all the things he was thankful for, and concluded with, “I am grateful for God!” 

Indeed, without God, where would we be? Without His promises, His unfailing love, we would still be dust and dirt and ashes. But He made us, created this beautiful earth and the magnificent and awesome universe to be a part of. He has a plan and purpose for each one of us. Life may be hard now, with everybody confined in their homes, or stuck in the hospital, or wherever work is, but if we see through the eyes of faith, everyday is a gift. It is a gift to have extra time to be with family, it is a gift to be able to serve. It is a gift to go through the posts of friends on Facebook or Viber and to pray for the needs that are brought to our attention, and to praise God that He never forsakes us through the generations. 

1 comment:

I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy