
Sunday, May 10, 2020

A Living Stone

“Beloved: Come to him, a living stone...chosen and precious in the sight of God...” 1 Peter 2:4

Yesterday, I had a beautiful conversation about my mother on Facebook. My cousin and I were reminiscing. I hope my cousin does not mind my recounting our conversation as it is Mother’s Day today and she brought back vividly for me how my mom always liked to teach good things.

I wrote, “God is good to you because you have a good heart. And your heart shines out of your eyes. Aren’t the eyes are the window of the soul?”

She said, “You’re making me cry ❤️ You remind me of your mom. She always told me that she knows my heart and that to never think otherwise no matter what I hear that will make me doubt myself. I've always kept that within ❤️ Thank you so much for saying those words. It means the world to me. ❤️I love you ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹

I told her, “It’s true. Mommy never told a lie. And she taught us to never tell lies either. You should always be confident because your are precious in God’s eyes. Hugs!!!!!”

Then she wrote back: “That’s exactly the lesson she was giving me, about telling the truth! WowI felt guilty that I told the truth because someone told me that my mom will not get a visa because I was too honest. Auntie Corit said never feel guilty for telling the truth. Guess what, Mama got an indefinite US visa I have always followed that rule no matter what I lose. Tell the truth ❤️ ๐Ÿ˜˜ It's like she's talking to me from heaven ❤️

We are all living stones, and all together we comprise the Church God is building on earth. My mother was one of those living stones, chosen and precious in the sight of God. When my mother was alive, she touched so many by her words and actions. She was always helping. Even a stranger on the street, she would give money and tell them how to start a business. Our family business which has now grown to 20 branches in Metro Manila and two provinces outside the city, was started from the seed of prayer and hard work. She is well remembered by our employees. She was strict, but my mother always meant well. She always would take time to teach them how to live according to God’s ways. And that is why we continue her legacy of faith and love today. One of my sisters initiated a Bible study every week at our main office. My other sister, who heads our Human Resources department, reminds me of my mom, when she invests a lot of time talking to our staff about the importance of living honestly, getting married and obeying God’s laws. My brother, even when he is teaching drawing, tries to inculcate good values in his little students. And my youngest sister has always initiated doing good deeds and planting seeds anywhere she goes.

Yes, mommy was a living stone who left her indelible mark on many. We too should try to be living stones, and build God’s kingdom here on earth. 

Happy Mother’s Day in heaven, mommy! We miss you and love you so much! 

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:^) Patsy