
Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Called Christians

“For a whole year they met with the Church and taught a large number of people, and it was in Antioch that the disciples were first called Christians.” Acts 11:26

Yesterday, I heard of a real act of charity that can be an example to all of us. The mother of one of our employees was given P8000 from the Department of Social Welfare and Development as part of the Social Amelioration Program. In spite of the fact that she is needy herself, the mother decided to use P2000 of it to buy rice and sardines for her neighbors. These 8 families she helps every week were not able to receive any money from DSWD because the fathers are construction workers with no IDs. 

This reminds me of what Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta witnessed again and again amongst the poor. When she would give food, they would sometimes run to share it with their neighbors. Mother Teresa taught the world about authentic love. It always costs us something. As Christians in today’s world, sometimes we think it is enough for us to just give out of our excess. If we study the lives of the early Christians in Antioch, we will be put to shame! They pushed beyond their comfort zones, sold their homes to help others. How can I do that!?! 

St. Ignatius of Antioch wrote in his Letter to the Romans, “May I not only be called a Christian, but prove to be one”. What is a Christian? We are followers of Christ. Mother Teresa said that the world suffers from a worse poverty than those in Calcutta who are starving for bread. She said the world is starving for love. In this time of the pandemic, we are given many chances to show our love to our less fortunate brothers and sisters. Perhaps there is a food program in your parish you can donate to. I know many who have been sending food for the frontliners on duty, providing for the homeless sheltering in schools, making face masks and face shields and giving them away, etc. So much need all around us! Let us try to listen to what God is telling us and obey what He is asking us to do. 

1 comment:

I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy