
Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Presence of God

“The world as we know it is passing away.” —1 Corinthians 7:31

Indeed, no matter how beautiful a flower is, or a woman, it fades, grows old, passes away. That is how the world is! My parents, once so vibrant and active and productive, got sick and confined to the bed, and left us. And me, I used to be so strong, and did not need anybody’s help carrying heavy things, am now quite dependent on others. With this pandemic, so much has been taken away from us. Many people have lost jobs, a feeling of security, even loved ones! The way children are learning has changed. We attend mass by turning on our computers or phones. Grandparents cannot even hug their grandchildren. Truly the world as we know it is quickly passing away! 

But we do not belong here fortunately! We are made for Heaven, our real home! How do we keep this in the forefront of our minds while we go about our busy lives?

We can start by counting our blessings! I realize how much God loves and cares for me when I see how my husband loves and cares for me! We can make heaven real by connecting our mundane everyday tasks to God! What is it we hate to do? For someone who hates ironing, she or he can pray for whoever owns the shirt under the iron, that she or he be protected from Covid 19. Whatever it is, we can, like Brother Lawrence, find the secret of joy doing menial, or routine things, like scrubbing floors, or even making a financial report. Brother Lawrence, was always, always, talking to God. If we practice the presence of God, we connect our soul to the eternal.

I believe my Covenant Community, Ligaya ng Panginoon (Joy of the Lord), prefigures the community we will join in Heaven. I know we will be together in fellowship for eternity. This makes Heaven more real to me! What makes Heaven more real to you?

1 comment:

  1. God bless you. I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your parents. How tragic. Your painting is lovely and so is your message. hugs, Teresa


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy