
Thursday, December 24, 2020

Shadow of Death

“In the tender compassion of our God ​the dawn from on high shall break upon us, ​to shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death, ​and to guide our feet into the way of peace.” 

Luke 1:78-79

If we think about it, we all dwell in darkness and the shadow of death. We are born it is said with one foot in the grave. It is curious that in some classic paintings of the Nativity, Jesus is in a coffin and he is wrapped in strips of cloth. He is after all, the lamb of God, sacrificed to pay for our sins.

According to the laws in Jesus’ time, Levitical shepherds took care of flocks of sheep that were to be used for sacrifice in the Temple. These lambs had to be spotless, unblemished, and when born, they were wrapped in clean swaddling clothes to protect them from harm exactly like the baby Jesus was wrapped. 

Last year in December, I underwent an open heart surgery, and when you are about to go under the knife, you always think of the possibility of death. But ever since my mother died, I lost my fear of death. To me, passing on means you will be more alive than you’ve ever been! God graciously gave me that revelation when I was dreading my mother’s death. Instead of being sad when she left us 7 years ago, I was truly excited for her. When my brother underwent a procedure last week, I again pondered about the shadow of death. I insisted to myself that if he should go I would be devastated, but I would also be happy for him. Thankfully, God heard our prayers, and he was able to go home last night and continue his recuperation in a more comfortable environment. 

It may be morbid to reflect on death on the eve of Christmas. But the good news of Christmas is that because of Christ’s coming, we need never fear death if we live in His friendship. There is no death, or if we prefer, it is merely a door to something more beautiful, more wonderful, more amazing than we can ever dream of. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy