
Friday, January 15, 2021

Mustard Seed Faith

“They came bringing to him a paralytic carried by four men. Unable to get near Jesus because of the crowd, they opened up the roof above him.” Mark 2:3-4

I like putting myself in a Bible story and gleaning some truth by being a part of what is happening. In the story of the paralyzed man being carried by his friends to Jesus, I have imagined myself to be the paralytic in need of Jesus. Indeed, we are all paralyzed in some way, by our circumstances, by our sins, by our past, by our health, sometimes even by the way we think.

But today I am putting myself in the place of one of the paralytic's friends. They don't give up. Even if the crowd around Jesus doesn't make a way for them to pass through the door, they make their own way. They went up through the roof. They burrowed through the tiles of the roof, and lowered their friend! Can you imagine the hardship they went through? Not only the climbing up to the roof with a stretcher, but carrying their friend through the streets! It could not have been easy balancing the stretcher through cobblestones, and weaving their way through people and other carts and horses. We can see very clearly how much they cared, How much love and compassion they had for their friend. 

How many people have I carried through the streets, up to the roof, and through broken tiles for? Has my faith and love brought someone to the notice of Jesus, enough for Him to say, "I see your faith. I will heal your friend!" Sometimes we give up because of the "crowds", the busyness, the hopelessness. But if we want to see "incredible things", we should persevere and push through the crowds, and whatever obstacles are put in our way! And we should remember, that even if we put down the mat, we can always take it up again, and continue the journey. 

I see how I am blessed to be a part of a loving community of brothers and sisters who pray and bring each other to Jesus’ notice. How many times have I been witness to how we rally around someone in need of prayers, encouragement, financial assistance, and help of all kinds. A single woman got hit by a Jeep and got horribly mangled and we came together to “bring her on a stretcher” to Jesus. She is now a walking miracle, and it is good to see her indomitable spirit.

When my brother was in the hospital last December and his situation appeared hopeless, more than four people carried the mat. A horde of people, friends, and friends we have never met, resolutely brought him to Jesus’ notice, barging through obstacles. Thank You Lord for seeing our faith and giving us a Christmas miracle. 

In the past year, we have been part of prayer brigades, and 24 hour prayer vigils for those infected with COVID. Lord, there are so many in need of our prayers and our help. May I always make time to bring my friends, my neighbors, my hurting country, to Your notice. May You see our tiny, mustard seed faith, and answer our prayers.

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy