
Sunday, July 03, 2022

Well Done!

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest!” Lk 10:2

A few days ago, one of my mentors, ate Belen Pereras, passed away. She was 82 years old. I first knew her when my sister Meldy and I joined Lumen Cristi, a group of single women with the common desire to follow the Lord. The amazing thing about ate Belen was she made it her life’s mission to bring young people to Christ. She was a Theology professor in the University of Santo Tomas, one of the world's largest Catholic universities in terms of enrollment found on one campus. We can say her harvest field was vast. 

She used her classes to invite students to various Christian groups on campus. Hers was not a conventional class. The seats were shaped in a big U, and there was singing which disconcerted some who attended. But a lot of her students would get fired up for the Lord! Her reach extended outside her classroom to random students on campus. She would just start with a smile. I am excited to imagine that one day there will be a long parade of those ate Belen has invited on this pilgrim journey to the Father’s house! 

We can not all be Theology professors but we are ALL called to bring a harvest to the Lord. Our mission has to start with prayer first and foremost as Jesus says in Luke 10:2. Father, show me how to labor in Your mission field! 

We live in exciting times! We don't even know 1/1,000,000th of what's happening in the spiritual realm,  and we should be excited. God is doing amazing things! We should not be so concentrated on the bad news happening around us. 

The harvest is abundant...and the laborers are fewer than ever. Ric Warren says there are FAR MORE people in the world ready to receive Christ than there are believers ready to witness to them! To be a laborer in God's harvest, we need to look at what we have in our hand and use that. The same way that a fisherman will use bait appropriate to the fish he wants to catch, we need to use our God-given bait, our gifts, interests, talents and abilities. 

Are we interested in dieting, cooking, biking, hula hooping? Whatever. We need to use it,  maybe get a group together and use our creativity to bring in the harvest! There are so many people who need to know God’s life giving Word, to be confident in His fierce love for each of us! Are we willing to be God’s laborers and bring in the harvest? We can be sure that if we do, we will  “rejoice because your names are written in heaven” as Jesus promised in Luke 10:20! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy