
Saturday, October 22, 2022

In Search of Fruit

“...he came in search of fruit.” Luke 13:6

Just as in Jesus’ parable, the owner of the orchard inspects his trees for fruit, God also expects to find fruit in us. The orchard owner tells the gardener, “For three years now I have come in search of fruit on this fig tree but have found none. So cut it down! Why should it exhaust the soil, intercept the sun and take up room?” 

Then the gardener says to him, “Sir, leave it for another year. I shall cultivate the ground around it, and put manure on the soil. It may bear fruit in the future. If not, you can have it cut down.” 

Sometimes we think we cannot “produce fruit” because we are too old, too sick, or too unimportant. But if a a man named Frank who had Lou Gehrig’s disease and spent the last two years of his life in a long term care hospital can bear fruit, we certainly can. He had to use a wheelchair to get around, and his body was decaying. But he had a loving presence, he radiated the peace of Christ to everyone he encountered. When he passed away, the nurses shared at his funeral that they loved to visit him in his room and tell him their stories. Several of the nurses came to know Jesus Christ through Frank’s faith which was grounded in Christ. 

Isn’t Jesus our gardener? He prunes us so we will flourish. He feeds us, He nurtures us with His Word and His promises. He even gave up His life for us. If we do not bear fruit, He will try again and again, just so we do not become like the chaff separated from the wheat which will be burned up in never-ending fire (Matthew 3:12).

Thank You Jesus, for Your patience with me! Thank You that You do not give up on me easily. Help me bear fruit for the Father! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy