
Friday, January 26, 2024

My Joy is the Fruit

“With many parables, He spoke the word to them as they were able to understand it.” Mark 4:33

I have heard so many homilies, sermons, and preaching, in my life. I have to confess a lot of times most of it goes in one ear and out the next. Sometimes it doesn’t and I’ve noticed that when a priest or preacher tells a story, that is when my attention is caught and I am even able to remember it and share it with others. 

Jesus was a story teller. He told lots of parables, and gave us word pictures. Like he said the Kingdom of God is like the tiny tiny mustard seed, but once it is planted in the ground, it becomes the largest of plants and the branches become so large the birds can dwell in its shade. My grandchild is only three years old. He is like a little whirlwind who does not stop moving. But there is one thing that will keep him still and that is if he is told a story. I delight in his expressive face when I tell him stories because he is so interested and asks a lot of questions. The last time he asked me a question, I did not quite know the answer and I had to search on Google and read him the answer. He memorized it word for word! He even told his Nana Peggy and my sister was so amazed, she asked him where he learned it. He answered, “Google search!” 

Today, there really is no reason to say we cannot understand the Bible. When we read, we can ask God to help us, but if we are at a dead end, there are so many resources available to us on the internet. I delight in reading about archaeological finds that prove the Bible stories, apologetics, customs during Jesus’ time to make the narrative come alive. And if I do not remember 9/10 of what I read, that is fine. I believe that God’s seeds of His faithfulness are planted in my heart and He is the gardener. My joy is one of the fruits. 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy