
Thursday, January 11, 2024

Walk Humbly

“Let us fetch the Ark of the Lord…that it may go into battle among us and save us…from our enemies.” 1 Samuel 4:3

After a fierce battle, the Philistines defeated the Israelites. The elders were wondering why they were defeated. The Philistines were very formidable with their Greek military equipment and the elders thought that to bring the Ark of the Covenant in the midst of the battle would insure victory. However the opposite happened. Israel was still defeated and lost 30,000 foot soldiers. What’s more, the Ark of the Covenant was taken hostage! 

I can’t help thinking of the 17th century Nazareno statue in Quiapo Church. Two days ago, masses of crowds joined the Translacion, the Feast of the Black Nazarene, walking 6 km. from the Church of San Juan Bautista in Luneta to Quiapo Church. Many people were throwing towels in the hopes it would get wiped on the statue and returned back to them. 

Just like the presumptuous elders brought out the Ark because of their superstitious trust in it, so some of those in the procession held the statue in awe and hope. Some think the statue has healing powers and can grant miracles. Just as the elders thought of the Ark as a good luck charm, some think of the Nazareno and many other statues and medals as something that could bring them good fortune. 

Of course I believe that most people know the source of all blessing is the Lord, but like the Israelites we may sometimes get waylaid by the golden calf. It may not be a statue, it may be a desire to become successful and rich, or an obsession with youth and beauty. Many things may become idols, even good things. If we humble ourselves, pray devoutly and sincerely, as the Israelites should have done, surely God will be on our side and show us the right path. 

“He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy