
Sunday, May 26, 2024

A Thousand Hallelujahs

“By the WORD of the Lord the heavens were made, by the breath of His mouth all their stars." Psalm 33:6

When we lift up our eyes to the night sky, do we gaze up in awe at what God has made? He is a star breather, a galaxy making God! We can look up and imagine the size and breadth and depth of the God we worship!

I like listening to Louie Giglio expound on how great our God is. He talks about how big our sun is, Betelgeuse, M U Cephei the red giant star , and Canis Majoris, the hyperstar. Canis majoris, if placed at the center of our solar system would extend beyond the orbit of Jupiter!

But my absolute favorite is the beautiful Whirlpool Galaxy, which even if it is so far away, can sometimes be seen using binoculars. At the heart of its spiral is a super massive black hole in the shape of a cross!

But we don't have to look far to see the glory of God. St. Augustine wrote, "And men go abroad to admire the heights of mountains, the mighty waves of the sea, the broad tides of rivers, the compass of the ocean, and the circuits of the stars, yet pass over the mystery of themselves without a thought.”

There is much to marvel at in our bodies. Just the DNA in each of our cells is mind boggling! If stretched out, it would form a very thin thread 2 meters long! But my absolute favorite is what connects each cell to the other cells. This cell adhesion molecule is called Laminin, and if we look at it through an electron microscope, it too is in the shape of a cross!

"For by Him all things were created...He is before all things, and in Him ALL things hold together." Colossians 1:15-17

Thank you Lord! No matter what difficult circumstances I face, You hold my life in Your hands. You are a big God, and You created the Universe, AND me, with the same care and attention to detail. It amazes me that You have put Your imprint in the very center of my being!

This is one of my favorite praise songs and these days, I like to start my prayer time singing this: 

“Who else would rocks cry out to worship?

Whose glory taught the stars to shine

Perhaps creation longs to have the words to sing

But this joy is mine

With a thousand hallelujahs

We magnify Your Name

You alone deserve the glory

The honor and the praise

Lord Jesus, this song is forever Yours

A thousand hallelujahs

A thousand more”

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy