
Monday, December 16, 2024

Don’t Miss Christmas!

Your ways O Lord, make known to me; teach me Your paths." Psalm 25:4

Nine more days, just nine more days! Nine more days not to miss Christmas! Although the signs and colors and sounds of Christmas are all around me, I may yet miss Christmas! I may miss it like the innkeeper who was so busy and preoccupied with his inn that had no vacancy. Even if he gave Mary and Joseph the stable, he could have made sure they were comfortable! He could have left his more prosperous guests to ask if they needed anything, food, water, blankets, a fire... I may miss Christmas if I am so busy wrapping gifts, if I forget the people God loves, the poor, the sick, the imprisoned, forget to SEE them and what they need. 

I may miss Christmas because I am so familiar with the story. I grew up singing the same carols. We have all the symbols. We have the lights but are we still in the dark, missing the message, missing the birthday celebrant? We have wrapped gifts for every one on our list, but have we missed the greatest gift of all? I once heard someone say, "I'm more excited about Star Wars than about Christmas!" I thought that was very sad but I did not know what to say! Truly Lord, it is so easy to miss Christmas during this busy time of the year. Speak to me Lord, teach me your ways. Help me to be quiet and listen. May I walk the path to your manger, and keep Christmas in my heart all year! 

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy