
Saturday, December 21, 2024

Sing for Joy!

“Shout for joy, O daughter Zion! Sing joyfully, O Israel!” Zephaniah 3:14

We should always sing to God, fully and joyfully.

I loved what I read in my meditation guide, The Word Among Us, a couple of years ago: 

"Sing aloud, yes, but don’t limit yourself to what your voice can do. Sing with your pen. Write down what you want to praise the Lord for. Jot down your hopes, dreams, desires for this year. Sing with your paint brush—paint your praise, joy, and thanksgiving. Sing with your musical instrument or your feet. Dance, as David did before the ark of the Lord. (2 Samuel 6:5,16). We are wonderfully made, so we can praise the Lord in song or with any of the other talents he has given us." 

Oh yes, I plan to sing with my pen, paint brush, and pencils, and all the ways that I can!

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy