
Saturday, February 22, 2025

Good Shepherd

“Even though I walk in the dark valley I fear no evil; for you are at my side; With your rod and your staff that give me courage.” Psalm 23:4

Psalm 23, “The Lord is my Shepherd”, is a favorite of many, but we do not like to think of walking in dark valleys even with the Lord at our side. It is inevitable however. Everyone has to go through trials and challenges and yes, dark valleys, in our journey. 

I read Omy Romero’s book, “The Boat is Sinking”, a few years ago. I found it so relevant for these uncertain times. Lots of people are dealing with depression and anxiety. Even children are grappling with insecurities and mental health issues. Then how about our political landscape, our leaders seem bent on stealing more and more of our nation’s wealth! It’s easy to lose hope for our beautiful country! 

What Omy has learned from his personal experiences, from what his clients had to go through, and his study of the Bible is that “seemingly insurmountable odds and challenges turn out to be catalysts that can take us from the pits of our life to its pinnacles.” He shows us that rock bottom should not be met with dread but with hope. 

Omy shares that the best thing that happened to him was losing his job the same year his wife Rosanne was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. He hit rock bottom and they had no savings. But instead on focusing on what he did not have, he started asking questions like where did he want to be in ten years time. He realized he had the freedom to be open to possibilities and he made the most of that. Omy became an entrepreneur and his business steadily grew. 

The same thing happened when my dad lost his job. He was able to help my mom with the little business she started. Plus he was also able to spend more time with us which made us happy. 

God is able to walk with us through the hard places and help us if we do not lose hope and give in to despair. Yes, He is our good shepherd. 

Link to the book:

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I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy