
Monday, October 03, 2011

Me a Princess?

The story of Jonah and the whale
reminds me of my cousin.
God "hounded" him to become a priest
but he refused for several years.
He studied law and became a lawyer,
but God didn't stop running after him.
Eventually he gave up 
and now he is a priest!

God wanted Jonah to preach
to the people of Nineveh
so they would change from their wickedness.
Jonah refused and ran away!
He boarded a ship
and God allowed the ship to be buffeted
by a furious tempest!
The ship's crew got frightened
and eventually Jonah confessed
that it was because of him that
they were experiencing such troubles.
Although they did not want to,
the sailors eventually threw Jonah off the ship...
and into the waiting jaws of a large fish!

What an incredible story!
It got me to thinking:
Is God waiting for me to DO something?
In Jonah's story, the crew got to know God.
After they threw Jonah off the ship,
they offered sacrifices and made vows.
They realized that Jonah's God was the
true God!
Perhaps God is waiting for me to 
learn something
so that others would know Him.

When I was a pastoral leader of
single women in our community,
God asked me to tell them
that they were princesses.
We are all children of the King,
and yes, that would make us...
princes and princesses!
We have a heavenly inheritance!
Sometimes God has to run after us
so that we will realize this! 


  1. Visiting from Spiritual Sunday, I am glad God gave you that message to share with other women. I often say that I am daughter to the King, Creator of the universe, and sister to Savior of the universe, it doesn't get any better than that!

    I hope you have a great week ahead!


  2. This reminds me a bit of the story of little Samuel too. After finally saying to God, "Speak Lord, for your servant is listening", the scripture says God came a stood beside him. I often wonder how many times God has called me before I listen. Is He standing right beside me calling my name? Lovely post and lovely message, sweet friend.

  3. wonderful new art work....great sentiments too....

  4. This is absolutely awesome! I love that you told them they were all Princesses and Princes ~ it is so true and we all need to realize that! Thanks for sharing this today.
    Hugs and blessings.

  5. Oooooo yeah I like this idea of being a princess to my Heavenly Father! Thanks for such an uplifting post!!! Deb PS love the painting of Jonah and the whale!

  6. Almost forgot, I love the sweet princess painting too! She is so beautiful and radiant!Deb

  7. I love your artwork.. and sharing. We spoke abut Jonah Sunday at church and not running from what God has called you to do.. seems He wants me to get the message.


  8. I just love the story of Jonah -- I relate so much to him. I know I have turned the other way more than once when God called my name.

    Love to you across the miles, friend...

  9. I love your drawing of the princess. It reminds me that I need to tell my daughters more often that they are princesses of God.

  10. The story of Jonah reminds me what a big mistake it is to run from God. Thank you for reminding me of this. We always need to be open to what God wants us to do.

  11. I lOVE your blog header art! It is wonderful! Thank you so much for visiting me too and your lovely comments! So nice to see you! xokp


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy