
Wednesday, December 07, 2011

WOYWW 131: I Will Give You Rest

Wednesday means showing off!
In my case it means displaying my disaster zone!
I've really grown so comfortable 
with you people!!!!
I know you'll accept me as I am
and still be encouraging!

I've got my journal on top of a canvas I'm working on.
Another commission, yehey!
I covered the canvas with pages from 
my daily meditation guide, so that my canvas
will be fully permeated with God's word!

Then I will layer that up with wall putty
showing only a little bit of the words beneath.

Here is my journal for today.
The words are from Matthew 11:
"Come to me all you who labor and who carry 
heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke and learn from me,
and I will give you rest."

We all have burdens, no escape.
To be alive means we have some concern or other.
But if we learn to give our burdens to the Lord,
take His yoke,  which is a wooden beam used to 
enable two animals to pull a load together,
He is always there to help and lead us to a safe place! 

I know that during the Christmas season,
many get stressed and need rest!
It really shouldn't be that way!
That's why I always start my day praying 
and writing in my journal!

for my wonderful diorama in an Altoids can.
The theme is shopping and she inserted a coin too! 

Joining the lovely Julia for a 
peek at desks and projects!
Linking up with
 unmasked button
Grab My Button
Be blessed!


  1. Good morning from a very sunny South Africa.
    Love your journal page as usual.
    Your space actually looks a LOT neater than mine. LOL
    Happy WOYWW

  2. Love your awesome Journal pages!

  3. Isn't it nice that blogging can join hands all over the world and make friendship the key word. Lovely to see how comfortable you are with your friends and thank you so much for sharing all the loveliness on your blog post today.
    Hugs, Neet #1 x

  4. A commission - wow, congrats!! It's an interesting project, please will you post the finished article as I'd like to see it very much! Keep happy and crafting!
    Hugs, LLJ #3 xx

  5. Another commission Patsy - how marvellous! Hope you are enjoying working on them. Very glad you're so comfortable in our company - because I love to see your desk...never a disaster area in my mind!

  6. Well done on your commission, fabulous.and no wonder!Have a great week. Happy Crafting HaPpY WoYwW Lyn #31

  7. Anonymous7:11 PM

    What a super desk today you are such a busy lady with your commissions. I love the little tin you received it is so pretty. Have great Wednesday Laura

  8. What a neat way to journal. Rest was the theme of my pastor's message on Sunday.

  9. Fabulous as always! Thanks for sharing. Sunshine Girl – No 2

  10. Well done on the commission - hope it goes well. I am having a busy day sorting my Christmas cards and loading a few new brooches into our blog shop too. x Jo

  11. Congrats on the commission work; I enjoyed peeking at your space today.

  12. I love your space. It is always inspiring and encouraging. Needed to hear that verse from Matthew 11 today. Thank you.

  13. Lovely busy desk this week Patsy! Beautiful journal page. Thank you for sharing from God's Word again. Happy WOYWW, Shoshi #56

  14. you have had a busy week and it is fun checking out everyone's work spaces... and lucky you winning the diorama... bet that made your day... love visiting...xx

  15. I just love your journal!

  16. NO need to hide or be embarrassed because there are 107 more of us lol, congratulations on the commission
    Bridget #21

  17. It's always a pleasure to stop by your blog and see the scripture you've been illustrating. Nice work!

    Happy wowyy,

    Sandy #76

  18. I love the peeks into your journal each week, always so uplifting.

  19. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Your art is lovely, I am wanting to resurrect my greeting cards, with art and words to minister to the one who receives.

  20. Pasty - I enjoy looking at your art. You really have a talent. I agree we need to rest in Him!


  21. I love your work and that you incorporate God's Word with it:) Lovely! :)

  22. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Hi Patsy - I love coming over and seeing all your creativity. What an awesome gift God has given you. thanks again for linking up. I love seeing you there.
    God bless


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy