
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

WOYWW: Saint Benedict

What's on my workdesk?
Look and see!
Brushes, paint and water,
Some ATCs
Don't mind, don't bother
About my messy clutter!

Today is the Feast Day of St. Benedict.
I decided to read up about him,
because I don't know much 
about this particular Saint.
My husband studied in a Catholic School,
which was established in 1901
by the Order of St. Benedict.
The Benedictine monks became
the pioneers of Christian civilization,
preaching the gospel,
preserving Scripture as well as 
other sacred writings of the Church.
Their influence from the 6th to the 13th centuries
was so great, that the historians
called these the "Benedictine centuries".

The most fascinating story about
St. Benedict I've come across
happened when a poor man asked for some oil
and the cellar master in the monastery
refused to give any
because he claimed the monks would 
have none left.
St. Benedict was so dismayed
and angry at "the distrust of God's providence",
that he knelt down and prayed.
The monks were soon to see
oil bubbling and flowing out of 
the little pot of oil!

thank you for your comment last week! 
She's the featured artist in 
Paint Party Friday last week
and her watercolors are delightful!

Minnemie chose the one on the bottom left 
and I'll be sending that off tomorrow.

As a thank you to you for 
all your encouraging and 
heart warming comments,
I'll choose one of you every week 
to receive an ATC or 
some little painting! 
I so appreciate your 
taking the time to comment!

Joining the lovely Julia for a 
peek at desks and projects!

I love blog parties!
Won't you join us?

Linking up with

Grab My Button



  1. See what happens when you don't stick around to visit? I got left out. But I am lucky just to "know" you, so that is enough. And congrats to the winner.

    I'd actually heard of St. Benedict, so that was a good story. I think there is another Benedictine something or other, but maybe it was the monks. Happy WOYWW from #1 who needs to put on her thinking cap.

  2. BTW, are you participating in Where Bloggers Create again this year?

  3. Hi Patsy! I grew up knowing St. Benedict because I studied in the counterpart exclusive all girls school handled by the Benedictine nuns.

    Ora et Labora, simplicity of lifestyle and a life dedicated to serve the Lord, these were the many teachings that were instilled in my mind as I was growing up.

    Your painting is a true depiction of the power of faith, prayers and miracles. In whatever form, life is indeed full of unexpected miracles.

    Have a great day!

  4. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I love the stories of the saints. Thank you for sharing Benedict's -- and also your wonderful painting of him.

  5. I enjoyed catching up on the life of St Benedict in your post - and, as always, seeing your desk and your beautiful art!

    Have a wonderful WOYWW, dear Patsy!

    Create With Joy - #15

  6. I remember learning about St. Benedict when I was younger. It was nice to have a refresher on him. dani #31

  7. Thanks for the story about St. Benedict. Your words are always so apt.
    Sandra @43

  8. Wonderful, congrats to minnemie! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  9. Congrats minnemie! Your atc's are beautiful. Helen 16

  10. Congrats to the winner of your lovely ATCs, they are gorgeous!
    Hugs, LLJ ~57 xx

  11. Beautiful work as always and interesting verse/tale. Always makes me think. Take care, enjoy desk hopping! Zo xx 62

  12. Hi Patsy as always your desk is insertional and your post thought provoking. I had heard of Benedictine monks so it was interesting to read about St Benedict.

    I love your idea to share your lovely ATCs with fellow WOYWWers each week.
    WOYWW Hugs from Helen 69

  13. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Just to let you know I got your ATC yesterday. It's on my WOYWW post today. It's lovely - lucky you had it bagged as the postie dropped it in a puddle between the van and my door! But it's prefect in every way.

    Great post today - I love how you research stuff when you don't already "know" all there is to know about it. even better you share it with US!

    Happy WOYWW

    MA (2)

  14. Gorgeous work, and a lovely story. Sharon x 103

  15. Beautiful ATCs... Would love to trade with you!

  16. Very interesting story. Thanks for a peep at your workspace. Hope you have a good week - Hazel, WOYWW #124 x

  17. Congrats to the winners of you lovely ATC's fabulous post!! Have a happy week, Hugs MAY X X X#8

  18. What is the brown electrical device on your desk? I promise to overlook the clutter even though that is the best part, if you tell. I like that you can work even though things are heaped up. I do that too so that makes me happy. Beautiful piece.

  19. love your painting :)
    have a fabby crafty week
    kay #52

  20. I loved visiting your blog last week and have enjoyed having a peek at your workspace again today!
    Happy WOYWW! Victoria #92

  21. Hi Patsy! This art is just wonderful. I'm always SO blessed to see your amazing art in our challenges at Word Art Wednesday, and read what you share. It blesses my heart, and I thank you so much!
    Blessings to you,
    Karen L
    Word Art Wednesday

  22. A beautiful page and an inspiring story! Thank you for sharing with us all! :)

  23. What a beautiful painting. Thanks for the story of the saint. Thanks for sharing it at WAW.

  24. Sweet blessings to you.

  25. Nicely disastrous desk! :)
    Love your atc's, too!
    Thanks for popping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment...I'm glad my messy desk made sense to you! Honestly I had to tidy it a tad bit before I was able to do anything, though. It was too far gone! :)
    Deeyll #141

  26. Nice busy desk, and lovely art work as always, Patsy.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #4

  27. Fun work desk! I'm scared to take pics of mine, hahaha!!

    Sharing bloggy love, visiting from Wordless Wednesdays
    xo, Kristina
    Come visit and say hello!

  28. Your work is beautiful. Thank you for sharing with us at Word Art Wednesday!

  29. I certainly don't mind or bother about your mess. Mess is creative; that's my story and I'm sticking to it. I feel very inspired by my visit to you, especially by all your wonderful flowers as I scrolled down. Thank you.

    cheers, rachel #11

  30. I really love your style of work!
    This page has become so great. Love it.

    Thanks so much for sharing your art with us on WAW.


  31. I like mess and yours looks just fine to me. Love your atc collection you have created. Oh and congratulations goes to the winner.

    Eliza #11
    thanks for sharing.

  32. Lovely post & art work! God bless,


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy