
Monday, September 24, 2012

Shine on!

"But as for the seed that fell on rich soil,
they are the ones who,
when they have heard the Word,
embrace it with a generous and good heart,
and bear fruit through perseverance.
Luke 8:15

I pray that we who hear the Word
will not waste it.
It would be a pity if we, who are free 
to possess Bibles, to go to our services,
to worship freely with our congregations,
do not value the Word.
There are many places in the world so hungry to
read and hear the Word!
Like the Word from Proverbs below-

"Refuse no one the good on which he has a claim
when it is in your power to do it for him."
Proverbs 3:27

I liked what I read in the Word Among Us
meditation guide this morning.

"So many things are not within our power.
We are not likely to be able to cure cancer,
eliminate hunger, or establish world peace.
Even on a smaller scale,
much is beyond our control.
We can't force feuding relatives to speak to each other.
We can't guarantee that our children 
will always make wise choices.

Since we can't do everything,
we are often tempted to give up and do nothing.
But that's not God's way.
Jesus invites us to put our modest lamp
on a lamp stand.
However, much or little light it gives off,
the world will be a brighter place!"

I'm sure we want to make the world a brighter place!
Let us think in what way we can do this,
with what resources we have,
and where we are situated!

I admire my sister Peggy 
and her husband Charlie very much.
Every week, they go to our local jail
to preach the Good News.
I used to go with them but now,
because of some health challenges,
I am not able to go.
So how do I make this part of the
world brighter?
I make sure that Peggy and Charlie 
have cookies and juice to bring each week.

I'm going to think of other things I can do
to make Christ's light shine brighter
in my part of the world!
How about you?

Every week I choose one wonderful
visitor who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.

(I know how much time and effort
it takes to leave a comment!
I love to visit but sometimes,
it is such a pain to leave a comment
because of all the word verification
and different passwords, etc.)

This week Random Generator
chose Anesha
She does scrapbook projects and cards.
She can choose which one she likes 
from the ones above.

I love blog parties!
Won't you join us?


  1. Bless your heart and you sister Peggy for doing such a work for God. Faith in action together.

    By the way I mentioned you and your sister Peggy in my first anniversary blog post in:
    My other blog: is where I share what I hear from God from his words and in every area of my life. Hope you will find time to visit it too.
    Happy monday sis Patsy:)

  2. I love it where you said, "However, much or little light it gives off,the world will be a brighter place!" It's so important to do what we can, regardless of how much (or little) it may be!

  3. Hi Patsy,

    Lovely post, as usual. The flower canvas is so very cute!


  4. Love reading your posts, they really make me think about what I am doing in my life. So glad my name was picked to win one of your wonderful ATCs. Have a great day.

  5. Beautiful both in words and artwork.
    Here from IMM blog hop

  6. You know Patsy, all too often we feel if we can't do something big, then why do anything at all. Today's verse is a good lesson that even the littlest things can make a difference.

    Thank you for being so inspirational. Not only do you do good for the prisoners, you also make me feel blessed each time I visit here.

  7. Thanks so much for linking up with me each week. Your art work is so beautiful and uplifting!

  8. Patsy,

    I try to "spread the joy" around, so to speak, but your artwork was so pretty, I could not resist featuring you for a second week in a row, so congratulations - you are featured again this week at Inspire Me Monday at

    Create With Joy


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy