
Friday, August 02, 2013

PPF: The Call to Surrender

When Jesus visited his hometown,
He was not able to work miracles,
signs and wonders,
because of the people's lack of faith.
(Matthew 13:54-58)
When I feel I lack faith,
I just pray like the 
boy's father in Mark 9:24,
"Help my unbelief!"

At the heart of faith is the call
to surrender. (from The Word Among Us)
I believe our doubts, instead of driving God away,
makes Him come nearer.
Just like Jesus came to 
Thomas and said in John 20:27,
"Put your finger here...stop doubting and believe,"
He will also answer our prayer
to have more faith.
We just need to surrender,
and say, "Help me, Lord!
Help my unbelief!"

The Kingdom of Heaven is like a dragnet
thrown into the sea of the world-
God calls ALL of us,
saints and sinners,
the doubting, the faithful,
the ones with a lot of questions,
and the ones like little children 
who have a simple faith.

God will meet us where we are!

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.
I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it soooo much!

This week,

random generator chose
#12, Jennifer of Studio JRU.
She makes wonderful scripture art!


  1. Gorgeous backgrounds. Happy PPF!

  2. Beautiful work! Valerie

  3. Well, that is true fisherman Aque called. saludos

  4. lovely illustrations - I love the soft colours.

  5. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Thanks for the reminder to surrender....I need to listen to that today. Happy PPF xox

  6. this is absolutely inspiring, as usual - I really would like you to see my brother's blog. He and his wife are devout christians and adopting a child from eastern europe - I talk about it in my art blog for the week

  7. Hi Patsy. Beautiful work, beautiful words. Lots of faith going on. Thanks for sharing it.

  8. I love the "kingdom of Heaven is like..." passages, and your art is lovely, as always!

  9. You are so creative and gifted. Thank you for sharing this beauty with us today. Blessings be upon you.

  10. Wonderful!!

  11. Congratulations for winning the Craftsy online art class !

  12. Beautiful! I love your heart and your message. So very glad I found you through Fellowship Fridays. You have a new follower!

  13. Ya know, Patsy- I think I just needed your words this week. Perfect thoughts and as always lovely art. Thank you so much for linking up at Random Journal Day. In His Grace, Dawn

  14. Powerful, Intense, The Spoken word through art...brilliant Patsy! Heartfully Yours, Samara

  15. Happy Sunday, Patsy! Enjoying your beautiful artwork as a background to God's word - so inspiring! Have a blessed week!

  16. Great art work, Patsy. Seeing how you illustrate the scriptures is a real treat. Beautiful.

  17. Patsy,
    This is another beauty. I love how you just put the scripture on the page like it belongs.
    Thank you so much for posting your beautiful work with us this week, at “Word Art Wednesday”.
    Carole Robb Bisson
    Word Art Wednesday

  18. This is so beautiful! What a gorgeous post - so full of art and inspiration.

    I'd love you to link this up with me at Inspire :)

    Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

  19. Hi there, Patsy! Wonderful ATC's The colors are always perfectly blended and the drawings are fabulous. Thanks for blessing us with your artwork at Word Art Wednesday. Make sure you join us for our new Challenge starting today and to download our new free scripture Word Art. God bless, always!

    JO ANN

  20. Good words and encouragement...I love the image the cast net...good reminder to pray when my faith is wavering...

  21. Your paintings are beautiful and inspiring. It is nice to find another Christian who is also an artist. I am a new follower.
    Blessing hugs,

  22. I love how God is so patient with us and gives us opportunity to exercise our faith. Beautiful illustrations!


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy