
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

WOYWW: Blessed are the Poor

Last night I was frantically painting
backgrounds on bookpaper
layered with gesso.
Running out of backgrounds!

"Blessed are you who are poor,
for the kingdom of God is yours." Luke 6:20
In another gospel, Jesus said,
"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for the kingdom of God is yours."
This is kind of a difficult passage 
with many interpretations.

I guess it's because we tend to pick and choose
what we want to hear.
I think Jesus meant that we have 
to be poor in spirit, dependent on Him,
empty of ourselves,
before we can have the kingdom 
come into our lives.
You can't fill a bottle which
is already full of water or wine.
But I think this is also about being
really poor, wanting, needing...
when you are poor, you are not content with
the state your life is, and you are
ready to cling to God.
Unlike someone like the rich, young man
in the Bible who was already 
contented with what he had
and did not want to give up
anything for God.

I hope I will never be content with my
life as it is.
I hope I will always be eager to 
do what I can for others.
I think of our prison ministry and how
even though we were the most unlikely
people to serve in the QC Jail,
God "equipped" and provided for us.

What we must remember is
Our part is just to trust and obey.
We are all earthen vessels, cracked pots.
The treasure is inside and it is the cracks
in us that lets the treasure shine out.
What is He calling you to do?
What is He equipping you to do?
Our job is to do it to the best of our ability
and leave the results to God.

This is what I came up with
for the first week of the

Anna Tapp asked us to do a page:
"What does safety look like to you?"

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.
I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it soooo much!

This week, chose
Check out her Halloween giveaway!


  1. Amazing and inspiring work. Happy crafting #5

  2. Happy WOYWW! that top one "blessed are the poor" is my fave!! wonderful work!
    -Tera #3

  3. Beautiful expressions; wonderful meanings.

  4. Always such a blessing to drop by and see what you have been inspired to create Sandra @22

  5. I love them all but the one with all the faces I think I like the best. Thanks for letting me peak. Roberta #6

  6. Amen to that Patsy. When God us with us, we can do the impossible:)
    Have a nice day.

  7. Your artwork are so beautiful!..Christine

  8. Your Bg Paper will make a beautiful backdrop for your work and thank you for pulling my name out of the hat to own one of your ATC'S hugs Nikki 10
    and thanks for sharing my candy to :)

  9. Amen. Resting in Father God, knowing we can do nothing in our own strength - great!
    No post this week as I have been away and only got back last night.

  10. Couldn't agree more! It's when we know we have nothing left, that we trust God more. However, knowing that, there is a sort of contentedness in knowing that He is in control. Paul says in one of his letters, "I have learned to be content ..."; and he was talking about being able to rest in God's provision, whether that be plenty or with little. Your artwork really reflects your love for God. Happy WOYWW and kind regards, John-W #58.

  11. Beautiful creations and such wonderful words. Have a blessed day.

  12. Such a touching and inspirational post. It is quite obvious that you have found your calling and are doing a beautiful job living it. I am your newest follower.

    Big Texas Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  13. Beautiful artwork!

  14. I love your artwork, and your message today was beautiful and inspiring. Thank you!


  15. Hi Patsy, lovely post. As ever, your paintings are beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #55

  16. Beautiful. I love the one, My safety and my freedom . . . you have touched my heart :)

  17. Thank you Patsy. It has been a really rough 2 years for me and my faith waivers now and again. Your Art, Words, interpretations and the beauty here gave me joy. Thank you again. From WOYWW Rasz #125

  18. Always a delight to come back here. Your paintings are beautiful!

  19. Your art and scripture choices are always a delight!

  20. It always makes my day a delight to visit your blog, see your art, read your words, and be SO encouraged through what you share. I hope you're having a wonderful week, Patsy. God bless you!
    Word Art Wednesday

  21. yes, dear friend... God is teaching me the fullness of an impoverished spirit. so timely. and as always, your paintings move me deeply. bless you patsy. e.


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy