
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

WOYWW: Great are the Works of the Lord!

I woke up late today and
so I decided to make my painting simple
and easy to do.
I also decided to spare you a picture
of my messy desk.

After drawing, I used carbon paper to transfer
my drawing on to my ready made background.

Here is my drawing.
Now to get out my paints and brushes.

The verse I am illustrating is from
the Book of Psalms-
"Great are the works of the Lord!
Ps. 111:2

So many exciting things happening
in the world today.
Yes truly how great are the works of the Lord!

And the amazing thing is 
He wants to do work through you and me!

Great are the works of the Lord...
what does He want to do
in this world?

When Jesus saw the widow
he was moved with pity for her
whose only son had died. (Luke 7:11-17)
The Greek expression that Luke used
to describe Jesus' feeling means
"to have mercy from one's inner core."

As we are called to be Jesus to others,
let us remember Teresa de Avila's poem,
"Christ has no body but yours
No hands, no feet on earth but yours
Your eyes are the eyes with which he looks
Compassion on the world
Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good
Yours are the hands with which he blesses
all the world.
Yours are the hands, yours are the feet,
Yours are the eyes, you are his body."

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.
I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it soooo much!

This week, chose
 #11, Mel Caldicott of
a beautiful lady with many wise words!


  1. Patsy I'm always impressed by your paintings she's a lovely one :) hugs Nikki #?

  2. as always.. lovely work! Thanks for the peek and have a great day. Roberta 7

  3. Great background designs. Love your little faces. Fun post, have a great week and enjoy WOYWW

  4. Your work is amazing, as usual. I love the scriptures you used. happy crafting #1

  5. Beautiful thoughts - beautiful colors - have a beautiful week Patsy!

    Create With Joy #17

  6. Good to be reminded not we must be like Jesus coz he lives in us:)

  7. Beautiful, as always! I love seeing your link on my blog - it always brightens my day! The Word of God does not return void and I love coming by here to see how the Lord is speaking through you!

    Many blessings - Julie

  8. As always just delightful artwork

  9. Hi.
    Loving having a peek at your world today. It all looks like fun from here. It's lovely to see the process of working. (And do I see part of one of my masks in the background images? LOL)
    Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a great week.

  10. Hi Patsy
    I love your painting today and the message that goes with it, never a truer word said thank you for leaving us with thoughts to take away with us
    Have a great day today and a wonderful weekend
    Ria #61

  11. Hi Patsy
    Your painting of the widow is so incredibly fragile and filled with love and compassion! I find the prepared backgrounds very interesting.
    Blessings XX

  12. As always, a very inspiring post and awesome artwork!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #40

  13. Hi Patsy! Thank you for sharing with us all your process of art. It's so beautiful, and maybe you get tired of hearing that? But I love the colors. You said you started with something simple. Isn't simple always the best?

    From Winsome Wednesdays,

  14. Lovely pictures, Patsy. Beautiful words - being Jesus in this world so torn apart is vital.
    Margaret #70

  15. Thanks for visiting and for welcoming me to your place!

  16. I love seeing your artwork emerge from the background along with the words of wisdom. Do the passages you pick dictate what you will draw or does the art come first and you find fitting words?

  17. Interesting process! Cool artworks :)

  18. Needed a pick me up tonight and I knew where to come - you didn't let me down! Great are the works of the Lord, we just don't sit down sometimes to appreciate them.
    Thanks a lot
    Bishopsmate #75

  19. Your pieces are works of art. Just lovely. Thank you for sharing. April #115

  20. Hi Patsy! Thanks for sharing your beautiful artwork this week.

  21. This is so pretty and uplifting.

  22. Your artwork is so beautiful and filled with God's grace. I don't think I knew you picked someone every week to create for, that is very generous , congrats to the lucky recipient. Thank you for joining in the fun at the Thursday Favorite Things hop xo


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy