
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

WOYWW: What Kind of Love Do We Have?

I've got a parade on my desk today!
Well, sort of!
I'm putting yarn (which I unraveled 
from an old sweater) on her head
and lace on her cuffs. 
The original one is third from the right. 
The idea is to write prayers
in the little book she wraps her arms around!
If anyone wants to duplicate 
my "Wrapped in Prayer" doll,
I've got a tutorial here.
I'm planning to sell this 
in our gift shop, papemelroti,
but she's just too late for Christmas sales!

Today I read from Matthew 1:23,
"They shall name Him Emmanuel,
which means "God is with us."

If God is with us, who can stand against us?
Sometimes, like many in the Bible,
we question God why, why me? why now?
We don't understand, if God is good,
if God's plans are the best, then why?

God's ways and His thoughts, and His plans for us,
are far above what our thoughts and ways and plans are.
Sometimes when we look at other people,
maybe some rich corrupt politician,
and compare him to a poor widow
with children she can't bring up properly,
we ask ourselves why 
God isn't punishing the wicked.

In the same chapter of Matthew, there is
a long genealogy of Jesus.
We can get bored reading it, 
or skip it altogether, like I have many a time.
But in this genealogy, in between the heroic men,
there are sinners.

 Even big time sinners like
King David, "a man after God's own heart" 
who lied,stole, lusted after Bathsheba and lay with her,
then conspired to murder her husband to cover his sin.
I've often asked why David was someone
God loved so much in spite of his sins.
Was it because he loved God so much?
David loved the Word of God.
He sang,
"Oh how I love your law!" (Ps. 119:97)
and he loved to pray,
"I will call upon him as long as I live!"

And David would praise God and sing
and dance with abandon, so much so
his wife Michal got so disgusted with Him!
In the Bible it says,
"Above all, love each other deeply,
because love covers over a multitude of sins."
Love covers a multitude of sins.
I think God saw the love David had for Him,
and that pleased Him.
It covered all the sins David committed!!
What kind of love do we have for God?

Every week I choose one wonderful visitor
who leaves a comment
to receive an ATC from me.
I know it takes so much time and effort
to leave a comment
and I appreciate it soooo much!

This week, chose
of Wholehearted Home.
Visit Judith for some 
heartfelt wisdom and ideas.


  1. Your work is amazing. I just love the dolls. #6

  2. Oh Patsy, what a gorgeous post ~ this is beautiful!
    Kelly #2

  3. Your dolls are so very pretty and such a lovely gift idea. I know someone who would really appreciate this so I will try it next year and let you know how it goes. Thanks for sharing, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Tracy #41

  4. Good morning
    Just popping my head around the door to say hi and wish you a very happy Christmas.
    Thanks for sharing your workplace. Your prayer dolls are beautiful and your words encouraging too.

    Neil #20

  5. Those dolls are very pretty and a great idea! I love the thought of putting a prayer in their arms.
    Thank you for the support his year. Wishing you a very Happy Christmas and all good thoughts for 2014!
    HUgs, LLJ 43 xx

  6. Oh how sweet the dolls are, I'm sure that they'll sell anyway, season regardless!

  7. Hi Patsy, lovely little dolls on your desk this week. Seasons greetings to you and yours, Elizabeth x #45

  8. great idea with the ptayer dolls, thanks for sharing Donna#39

  9. Patsy, I will send you a private email.
    I just love those dolls, such a kindness, I do hope they will be ready in time for the sales.
    Bishopsmate #52

  10. I love Matt 1 and listen to it 5 times a week. You art is lovely. Thank you for joining us today at Word Art Wednesday with your fabulous art.
    Advent Blessings of Hope, Peace and Joy,
    Carole Robb Bisson

  11. Your dolls are beautiful and I am sure will sell wonderfully for you. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on your chosen scripture today also. Wishing you and your family all the best for Christmas and the New Year. Danie #37

  12. Anonymous6:38 PM

    GORGEOUS little dolls. I adore them!
    Sorry to be late but now I can get to my desk, it's commenting time ...

    Happy last WOYWW before Christmas!
    Mary Anne (24)

  13. You capture the hopefulness of Advent, and the joy of Christmas. :)

  14. each one a piece of you, beautiful. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. Wishing you a lovely weekend and a very Merry Christmas♥

  15. Your blog is so wonderful - I could spend a lot of time just soaking in everything you post. Hugs


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy