
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

WOYWW: The Battle is the Lord's

What's my work desk today?
More like a work lap as I am in the hospital again,
Watching over my mom. 

This is what I am working on this morning.
I read about how David volunteered to fight
the giant Philistine Goliath.
He was still a young man, with no battle experience
Except with the enemies of his sheep!

Like David, we all have our own battles.
The enemy fights dirty, using all the weapons
at his disposal- spreading lies, discouragement,

 David used a slingshot and 5 smooth stones
to fight Goliath.
He was able to vanquish a big terrifying enemy
using those simple tools. 

If we partner with God, knowing the battle is not ours but His,
We will have victory.
It matters not if we have money, connections,
power- if God allows us to go into battle,
He also gives us the tools, the strength to win!

"Not as man sees does God see,
because He sees the appearance
but The Lord looks into the heart." 1Samuel 16:7
What does God see when He looks into my heart?
Does He see a heart that trusts Him
Even in the midst of a hard battle? 


  1. I am sorry to hear that your Mom is in the hospital. I pray that she recovers quickly. I love your art work and the message with it. So very true. April #11

  2. I'm sorry to read about your mother. I'll keep her in my thoughts.

    Your art is always wonderful and these are no different. Such beauty while staying at the hospital, which is never a friendly place.

    Thanks for the previous visit. Happy WOYWW from #1.

  3. Dear Patsy,
    So sorry you dear mother is not well pray for the LORD and His mercy upon her, and strength for those caring for her...
    ... love the post title and the story... and what great images you created too.

    ..and yes as well as his slingshot and five smooth stones David had a simple faith in a mighty God.
    .. and yes you are right that is Who won His battle and so for us today, happy WOYWW. Shaz in oz.x #7

  4. Anonymous6:08 PM

    I'm so sorry to read that your mum is still unwell, I'll keep her in my thoughts.
    Your art is, as always, beautiful.

    Zoe #32

  5. Beautiful work and thought provoking words. I hope that your mum will soon be better.
    Anne x #58 ( well at the moment , it changed twice last week :-) )

  6. What lovely work. I'm so happy to start my day with such an inspiring post. Thank you! Susanne #66

  7. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Oh, Patsy - not only as the mom of sons, but a mom praying life for a son's friends - this was like a battle cry for victory!!! - so love your heart and your vision!

  8. Sorry to hear your Mum is still struggling. I have been thinking of your family a lot and will continue to.
    Happy Wednesday

  9. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way for your mom and you too. Your pieces and thoughts are so inspiring. It amazes me you are able to create such amazing work on your lap while under stress, but as you stated the battle is the Lord's and he will see you through. Take care! Winnie#68

  10. Sending lots of hugs to you and your mom and the rest of the family.
    Love your journal page.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #14

  11. Yup, I read that passage this morning in my devotions. The funny thing was that last week I read it when visiting my grand kiddies--they are home schooled and they were going through I and II Samuel. There Mom had to go to the Doctors and I got to do some of the readings for their devotional time--This is one of my favorite stories! Hope your Mom is doing better.

    1. Their not there---etc! I need to proof read

  12. Beautiful, Patsy! Dolly's post was linked up right before yours, and she used this same verse. Wow!

    Thanks for linking up at Thought-Provoking Thursday. :)

  13. So sorry to hear your mom is still in the hospital. I pray for her recovery and for strength for you. You must be very tired. I know you take comfort in knowing that even this battle with your mom's illness is the Lord's. Lifting you up in prayer.


I am so glad you dropped by! You are a blessing!
:^) Patsy